Multi Partner Projects (MPP)
DATE 2025 programme will include sessions dedicated to multi-partner innovative and high-tech research projects addressing the DATE 2025 topics. The types of collaboration covered, but not limited to, is as follows:
- Projects funded by EU schemes:
- MSCA innovative and doctoral training networks (ITN)
- Nationally- and regionally-funded projects
- Projects funded by the European Space Agency
- Collaborative research projects funded by industry
Call for papers:
The Proceedings of DATE 2025 will include the papers corresponding to Multi-Partner Projects sessions. Project coordinators and consortia are invited to submit papers up to six pages in one of the following categories (to be clearly stated in the paper):
- Initial stage: The submissions are expected to present the novelty of the project concept, a concise view on the technical objectives and their relevance to the DATE community, as well as the envisioned approach of the consortium.
- Intermediate stage: The submissions of this type are expected to provide a view on the technical status of the project in terms of achievements, challenges addressed, and open bits until the end of the project.
- Final stage: The submissions are anticipated to summarize the technical highlights of the project results and provide insights on the lessons learnt in the project.
When preparing your contribution please keep in mind that from the papers of the MPP session DATE 2025 community is seeking technical answers for the questions:
- What makes the project concept unique?
- What project outcomes can be of use to the DATE 2025 community?
- What inputs (solutions) are expected from the DATE 2025 community?
- What new research topics and trends the project introduces?
Multi-Partner Project submissions are not blind, and the authors are required to specify the title and the stage of the project. The submissions are expected to target the technical side of the projects relevant to the DATE and broader research community. As a rule of thumb, the papers in this category are expected to be more than ‘project flyers’ with the work plan management structure but less than specific techniques that can be submitted as regular papers to the main technical tracks of DATE 2025. The submissions will be peer-reviewed and selected based on technical content, innovation and originality. In particular, we would like to give visibility to papers addressing DATE 2025 topics. The accepted papers are to be presented at the DATE 2025 event, published in the conference proceedings and indexed by the databases. One full registration to the DATE 2025 conference is required for each accepted paper.
Multi-Partner Projects papers must be submitted via the DATE 2025 submission website:
- Abstract registration: Tuesday, 29 October 2024 AoE
- Full paper submission: Tuesday, 05 November 2024 AoE
- Notification of acceptance: Monday, 09 December 2024 AoE
- Camera-ready paper: Friday, 17 January 2025 AoE
Multi-Partner Projects Track Committee
- Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE (co-chair)
- Franco Fummi, Università di Verona, IT (co-chair)
- Ahmet Cagri Bagbaba, Cadence Design Systems, DE
- Davide Bertozzi, Manchester University, UK
- Enrico Fraccaroli, University of North Carolina, US
- Erik Larsson, Lund University, SE
- Ernesto Sanchez, Politecnico di Torino, IT
- Fabian Vargas, IHP, DE
- Frank Oppenheimer, OFFIS, DE
- Goerschwin Fey, Hamburg UT, DE
- Hiren Patel, University of Waterloo, CA
- Josie Rodriguez Condia, Politecnico di Torino, IT
- Julio Cesar De Luca, IRT Jules Verne, FR
- Leticia Maria Bolzani Poehls, RWTH-Aachen, DE
- Lorena Anghel, Grenoble-Alpes University, FR
- Marko Andjelkovic, IHP, DE
- Masoud Daneshtalab, Mälardalen University, SE
- Mihalis Psarakis, University of Piraeus, GR
- Mottaqiallah Taouil, Delft UT, NL
- Reinhard von Hanxleden, University of Kiel, DE
- Sara Vinco, Politecnico di Torino, IT
- Tara Ghasempouri, Tallinn University of Technology, EE
For more information, please contact:

Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, EE
Projects can also showcase their vision, activities and outcomes benefitting from DATE's high visibility and networking assets, by exploiting further project dissemination options; for more information please contact:

Kathleen Schäfer, K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden, DE