Instructions for Session Chairs and Co-Chairs

Quick Checklist

  • If needed, get a PowerPoint template here
  • At least half a day before the session contact the Audio/Video Office staff to check that all your session presentations have been uploaded. If you have introductory slides please also contact the A/V staff.
  • Attend Speaker’s Breakfast the morning of your session at 7:30 (Saal 1)
  • At least 15 minutes before your session, check presence of all speakers
  • After your session, please fill the evaluation form and return it to the conference registration desk.

Session Chairs

The main task of a session chair is to run the session. All speakers have been advised to get in contact with you before the session - please check that all of them are present before your session starts. If one of the speakers is missing, leave the presentation slot empty to be on schedule. Within your session, please introduce the speakers and keep track of the time limits (indicate to the speaker when it is time to stop). Please also manage the question and answer procedure after each talk (long dialogues have to be done off-line). If there are Interactive Presentations assigned to your session, please provide a one minute time slot to each of them at the end of the session. Afterwards, we ask you to fill the evaluation form.

Session Co-Chairs

The main task of a session co-chair is to support the session moderator and to handle unexpected situations. Please estimate the number of attendees (required for the evaluation form). You are requested to handle unexpected noise (talk to security people), A/V problems (talk to AV people / technicians) and look for missing speakers. In case of unexpected circumstances, please replace a missing session moderator.

For further information, please have a look at the guidelines for your appropriate session under